The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, in collaboration with the other departments in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Natural Sciences, offers the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in the field of Bioengineering. Bioengineering is an expanding branch of engineering that primarily deals with problems of medicine, healthcare, and, in general, quality of human life. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines scientific principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics with the best engineering techniques developed in traditional areas (for example, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering) and new breakthrough methods developed in recent years. Bioengineering is a rapidly growing profession with expanding career opportunities and activities covering a wide spectrum. Bioengineers design and build medical instruments, artificial organs, prosthetic limbs, therapeutic devices, and medical imaging equipment. They design technically complex experiments to learn about biological systems, organs and diseases, and help doctors to develop new medical procedures. They also work in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, where they create new, more efficient drug development and manufacture technologies. Finally, they find solutions for medical problems of consumer technology in the areas of safety, ergonomics, and comfort. The accelerated undergraduate/master's studies option in bioengineering (41 option) allows the most qualified UM-Dearborn undergraduate bioengineering students to pursue a program of study in which BSE and MSE degrees are earned in a five-year accelerated format.