Mechanical engineering is a broad field of study that significantly impacts many technologies, including those that expand our energy resources and improve medical care. Mechanical engineers are concerned with all forms of energy conversion and transmission, the flow of fluids and heat, the development, design, manufacturing, and operation of machinery and equipment, material structure and properties, solid and applied mechanics, and transportation processes. The course of study is designed to give the student fundamental preparation to enter the fields of research, design, operation, production, sales, or management. The mechanical engineering curriculum is structured so that students are well prepared in the fundamental areas of solid mechanics, thermal-fluid sciences, systems and design engineering, and materials engineering. Students can develop an emphasis area of study by concentrating elective courses in specific interdisciplinary areas such as aerospace engineering, automotive engineering, robotics, biomedical engineering, computational methods, manufacturing, nanotechnology and others depending upon the technical courses available and the interest of the student.