Mining engineering is perhaps the broadest of engineering disciplines, and our graduates are versatile problem solvers. The goals of the program are to train students so that graduates are qualified to perform the various functions typically exercised by mining engineers: plan, design, operate, and close mines. Engineering topics are selected to meet these objectives. Introduction to mine planning, design, operations and closure is pursued further in the mining methods course. Students are introduced to detailed mine design in the mine design courses. Engineering sciences underlying the mine planning, design, operation and closure requirements are studied in several basic areas: thermodynamics, electrical circuits, hydraulics, strength of materials, etc. The design experience is capped in the mine feasibility study, the senior capstone design course.
Students will be able to:
demonstrate proficiency in the mathematics, science, and engineering areas necessary to identify, formulate, and solve practical engineering problems. The program will maintain compliance with ABET Accreditation.
demonstrate proficiency in engineering topics related to surface and underground mining.
demonstrate the ability to plan and design a technically sound mine in an ethically, environmentally, and socially responsible manner.
communicate plans, designs, and operational practices to mine representatives,regulators, and the public.
prepare for entry-level positions in the operations and management of mines,or for graduate-level study in engineering.