Organizational Science is an emerging interdisciplinary field of inquiry focusing on employee and organizational health, well-being, and effectiveness. Organizational Science is both a science and a practice. Enhanced understanding leads to applications and interventions that benefit the individual, work groups, the organization, the customer, the community, and the larger society in which the organization operates. Specific topics of study in Organizational Science include, but are not limited to: Team Processes and Performance, Organizational Structure and Effectiveness, Selection, Testing, and Promotion, Leadership, Organizational Culture and Climate, Training and Development, Performance Evaluation, Workplace Health and Safety, Workplace Diversity, Employee Attitudes, Job Satisfaction and Turnover, Rewards and Recognition, Communication Effectiveness, Technology and Work, Employee Motivation and Participation, Employee Citizenship and Deviance, Work-Life Programs, Organizations and External Environment, Customer Service and Satisfaction, Organizational Behavior, Employee Recruitment and Socialization, Interorganizational Relations, and Organizational Change. The discipline stems from (in alphabetical order): Human Resources Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Communication, Organizational Sociology and Social Psychology.
Upon graduation, students will have achieved the following educational objectives:
Acquire a comprehensive and integrated body of organizational science knowledge ranging from micro issues concerning employee selection and socialization to more macro issues concerning organizational structure and effectiveness
Demonstrate competence in synthesizing and transcending disciplinary perspectives to generate novel, useful, and robust understandings of organizational science phenomena
Demonstrate competence in planning, conducting, and evaluating Organizational Science research
Demonstrate competence in teaching, communicating, and disseminating organizational science knowledge to others in an effective and pedagogically appropriate manner
Demonstrate competence in collaborating with a diverse group of professionals, students, research participants, and consumers of organizational science services
Demonstrate competence in applying research in organizational science to practice leading to applications and interventions that benefit the individual, the organization, the customer, and the larger community in which the organization operates