Policy Process and Governance research examines fundamental questions about how individuals, institutions, and interests shape representation, equity, efficiency, and accountability in public policy. Researchers in this area study all stages of the policy process including agenda setting, policy design, policy diffusion, policy adoption, implementation, program evaluation, and policy feedbacks.
Policy process studies address diverse topic areas such as election and voting policy, judicial influence over policy, policy framing and agenda setting, state policy and representation, and the role of multi-level governance (federalism) in shaping politics and policy. Students interested in topics related to agenda setting and issue framing may also gain applied experience in survey research and experimental research throughPOLS-Labor through applied studies conducted by faculty. Students with interests in policy process and governance are encouraged to develop skills in advanced statistical methods, causal inference, and/or analytics for large, complex data to prepare them work as researchers or analysts in a wide range of career settings.
The Ph.D. in Public Policy is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the study of policy development, implementation and evaluation. It stresses the development of skills, tools, and specialties, as well as a theoretical understanding of them, that contribute to our understanding of the structure of institutional systems and sub-systems and of how policy should be shaped within political environments.