Learn to develop innovative solutions to businesses by optimizing consumer experience through strategic decision making, data analytics, and creating value across the integrated channels The Consumer Experience Management program prepares you to develop solutions to meet consumers' needs and wants, assign profitable relevancy to customer efficiencies and satisfaction, analyze the singular consumer's end-to-end journey, identify relevant touchpoints in the path-to-purchase, and build consistency across all CX outcomes. By taking courses in consumer behavior, data analytics, and digital applications, you'll develop marketable skills that can be applied across the breadth of consumer product segments and consumer services.
Graduates of UNT's first-of-its kind degree program in Consumer Experience Management are adept at developing seamless, personalized experiences for consumers, optimizing consumer experience through strategic decision making, analyzing and visualizing data, and creating value for consumers across industries.
Food, beverage, apparel, home, fashion, entertainment, media, travel, tourism, beauty, health and wellness, automotive, sporting, media, and electronics are just a few of the exciting consumer product and service industries seeking graduates of this flexible degree program. Students in Consumer Experience Management may select either one or two interdisciplinary concentrations ranging from 15 to 33 hours that reflect their personal career interests.