Specialize in information and research and learn how to share knowledge with the world with UNT's grad track program. UNT's Information Science master's program with a major in Library Science prepares information professionals for work in a variety of roles and application settings, including all types of libraries and other information agencies. The program rests on a broad conceptual framework that explores the nature of information, its organization and retrieval, and its access and use from the user's viewpoint. In addition, the program prepares individuals who wish to pursue doctoral studies in information science theory, research and practice.With the grad track program, students can begin taking master's level coursework as part of their undergraduate degree, allowing them to save money on tuition and fees and finish their education sooner.
The Bachelor of Science in Information Science program at the University of North Texas is designed to equip graduates with the knowledge needed to build competencies in important and emerging areas such as information organization, information architecture, information seeking and use, health informatics, knowledge management, digital content, and digital curation, and information systems.
The BSIS degree prepares students for a career at the intersection of information, people, and technology. The continuous growth of information and technology innovation has led to a host of related trends and issues, including social media, security, privacy, digital divide, information literacy, open access, digital curation and more.