The English Department houses undergraduate and graduate programs in two broad subject areas: Literature and Cultural Studies and Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Students study literary works, movements, genres, themes, and writers in their cultural contexts. Courses emphasize reading, story, communication, language, and historical and cultural events. The College of Arts and Sciences is the oldest and largest of the degree-recommending colleges at the University of Oklahoma. Established in 1892 as the College of Liberal Arts, the college granted its first degree in 1898. Today, as then, the liberal arts and sciences provide the foundation for the OU educational experience, through which we prepare our students to live productive and successful lives as citizens of a democracy. The College of Arts and Sciences is responsible for providing all of OU's undergraduate students with a core curriculum that exposes them to both the natural and social environments in which they live and helps them view and analyze the world from different perspectives and to arrive at their own opinions. Students majoring in one of the College's degree programs receive additional education in foreign language and the humanities. Our goal is to graduate students who can communicate clearly, both in writing and orally, think creatively, reason and act ethically, serve as leaders of their professions and their local and global communities, and continue to learn after they leave OU. By providing a broad-based education, the College of Arts and Sciences seeks to enrich the lives of our students, both as individuals and as active, productive members of society. To accomplish these goals, we bring together talented students and dedicated teacher-scholars in an environment that supports learning and personal development and is, in turn, supported by the donations of our alumni and friends to produce the best educational experience possible, anywhere.