Research in social and personality psychology at the University of Oregon reflects an intellectually diverse approach to understanding intrapersonal and interpersonal processes and individual differences. Our areas of focus include:
Motivation and emotion: self-regulation, goal pursuit, self-control, emotion regulation, social functions of emotions
Self, identity, and social cognition: self-perception and interpersonal perception, brain mechanisms of social perception, perspective-taking, self-other comparisons
Groups and intra-/inter-group dynamics: perceptions of groups, intra-group cognition, inter-group relations, group norms, experiences of racial and underrepresented groups
Personality structure and development: structure of personality attributes, culture and personality description, personality and health outcomes
Culture, values, and worldviews: moral psychology, culture and belief systems
Decision making and risk perception: decision making in applied contexts (e.g., legal, aviation, health), communication, and assessment