Anthropology is composed of four main branches, or sub-fields: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology. Our undergraduate program takes a four-field approach, which exposes students to each of these sub-fields particular focus and methods. With careful planning, many students successfully double major in Anthropology and another field. We are happy to discuss this option with you (the earlier the better) In the last few years, students have combined Anthropology with numerous other majors in SAS (including Creative Writing, Health and Societies, Classical Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Political Science, Art History, Biological Basis of Behavior, Religious Studies, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, History, Economics, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Psychology, Hispanic Studies, and more) as well as majors in Wharton (Finance, Management) and Nursing. Students find that the study of Anthropology can complement and enhance the study many other fields, and vice-versa.