We inform, support and promote those looking to become innovators, pioneers and leaders of societal change. Educators can have a lasting impact on people's lives. Whether you are interested in teaching, professional and personal development, social justice including special needs, equality, diversity and inclusion, working in the social or care industries, community development and creativity this is the course for you.
We are about exploration: around Plymouth, but also further afield. Within the course there is the opportunity to broaden your understanding of education in different environments and cultures: residential trips, an option to do an international study exchange for one or two semesters in the second year, work based learning placements, and more.
Learning and working with others: students are given space and tools to develop your individual voice, critical insight, and knowledge over a wide range of the education field. We encourage you to engage with different views and ideas about meaningful, inclusive, and socially just forms of education. We further encourage strong close ties with each other and our programme student / staff body we are a community and wish to make sure all feel they belong.
Enriched student experience: there are many additional opportunities to nourish a thriving student experience, such as benefitting from visiting speakers, wide ranging free public lectures/performances, Makaton training, teaching English as a second language, safeguarding training and qualification, and a wide range of volunteering experiences and placements in schools and the community.
Developing confidence and critical thinking: we encourage and foster students knowledge and understanding of yourself and others, to develop confidence and conviction in personal opinions and beliefs and to have these challenged, as well as to build the courage to step outside of your comfort zones and to embrace new things.
Becoming a researcher: students arrive imagining they might enter teaching, or social work, etc, at the end. Often, however, as you develop as an academic researcher, new opportunities open up and you catch the research bug Doing research also helps to build confidence and skills which are useful for many work disciplines in the years ahead.
Individual journeys and development: one of the things we particularly prize is the way we work to nurture, challenge and encourage personal growth and development. The course has the journey of 'you' at its heart: the person you wish to be, providing you with the enthusiasm and knowledge you need change the world around us.
Early Childhood options: You can dip your toe into another course, as well as the BA (Hons) Education course, you will have the opportunity in your second and third year to take one or two modules from the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies course.
Other learning opportunities: Take advantage of paid or unpaid work based learning module/s to help you stand out when it comes to starting your career. You can also participate in education-related volunteering, or pursue the myriad of opportunities available to all University of Plymouth students on our extensive, exciting city centre campus.