Do fieldwork in the Bay Area. Explore your surroundings from different perspectives biological, chemical, geological, sociological, political, philosophical, economic, ethical. Bring your ideas to environmental studies and prepare to make a difference in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, industry, or graduate school. Take a forward-thinking approach to the environment, where you'll focus on opportunities to make a positive impact on our surroundings. Explore your unique interests, pursue your passions, and design your own pathway or even add a concentration in Urban Studies. Work with your professors: environmentalists, ecologists, historians, filmmakers, engineers, ethicists, sociologists, and philosophers. Solve complex issues by considering different perspectives and their impact on the environment.
The Environmental Studies Program is interdisciplinary in nature, reflects the current state of the field, recognizes the relationship between human behavior and nature in ecological issues, and responds to the Jesuit call to promote environmental justice and ethical stewardship of the natural world.