Advance your understanding of Asia. Explore the structures of Asian societies histories, laws, economies, and governments and also the religious, philosophical, artistic, and intellectual foundations for these structures. Come take classes on Asian philosophies that have shaped the cultural landscapes of India, China, Japan, and the Philippines. Study an Asian language. Learn new vocabularies and ways of seeing the world. Choose from a rich selection of history classes. Explore Asia's pasts and presents. Gain an appreciation for a diverse region of the world. Think critically about the forces that shape Asia today, as well as your own role as a global citizen.
The major's interdisciplinary emphasis provides a broad overview of Asia as well as an in-depth investigation into themes and topics that extend across a range of Asian societies. Aided by language study, the major comprises an in-depth, integrated, and interdisciplinary program. Students may select from courses in Asian languages and cultures, comparative literature, economics, environmental studies, history, linguistics, philosophy, political science, religious studies, sociology, women's studies, and courses offered in the School of Management.