Graduate courses in civil engineering are offered in four broad areas:
Transportation include topics on transportation economics, transportation systems, pavement management, geometric design, and traffic engineering.
Geological, geotechnical, and geo-environmental engineering include topics on rock mechanics, hydrogeology, petroleum wells and reservoirs, terrain evaluation, physio-chemical properties of soils, frozen soils, unsaturated and swelling soils, volume change and shear strength, slope stability, saturated-unsaturated seepage, contaminant transport, solid waste management, foundation and retaining wall design.
Structures and materials science include topics on structural analysis, numerical analysis methods, dynamics of structures, theory of elasticity, advanced composite materials, structural steel design, prestressed concrete and concrete technology.
Water resources and environmental engineering include topics such as water quality, advanced water and wastewater treatment, stormwater collection systems, river engineering, erosion and sediment transport, open channel flow, hydraulic structures, climate change adaptation, water resources management, and surface and statistical hydrology.
Active research programs are conducted in several majors including: geotechnical; geo-environmental; engineering geology; waste management in the domestic, resource and industrial sectors; environmental; hydrology; hydraulic structures; transportation and transportation economics; structural analysis and design, and civil engineering materials.
While conducting research at the University of Saskatchewan, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and research centres including:
the Saskatchewan Centre of Excellence for Transportation and Infrastructure (SCETI)
the Centre for Advanced Numerical SIMulation (CANSIM)