This course is a chance for you to put your numerical skills into practice in the real world, and build up skills and experience that you can apply to the final years of your degree and a career in research. Our students have worked in finance roles at major corporations and applied their analysis skills to data science jobs in the civil service as part of their degree.
We have a small but focused number of modules in first year, that cover all the essentials youll need for the rest of your degree. You can develop programming skills using Python and R, that can be applied to lots of jobs that involve data. Youll learn to use the typesetting software LaTeX, which mathematicians and statisticians use to present their work.
In your second year, youll continue to build a powerful toolbox of mathematical techniques that you can apply to increasingly complex problems. There is less compulsory maths and more options, so as well as calculus and algebra, you can study topics including differential equations, the mechanics of motion in fluids and solids, statistical modelling and computer simulations.
Strong mathematics skills open all kinds of doors for our graduates: from banking, insurance and pensions, to software development at tech companies and encryption services at security agencies. They also work for businesses with vast amounts of data to process and inform new products and services.
Organisations that have hired Sheffield maths graduates include AstraZeneca, BAE Systems, Barclays, Bet365, Dell, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, GSK, HSBC, IBM, Lloyds, PwC, Unilever, the Civil Service and the NHS. Lots of our students also go on to do PhDs at world top 100 universities.
Industry placement