Prepare for a career in research, whether you want to focus on questions that physics raises about the nature of existence, or refine your logical thinking abilities to help solve problems in industry. In your final year, youll join a team of physics researchers and run your own project.
This course is great preparation for a career in research. Youll cover most of the same topics as students on our standard physics courses, and choose modules from the university's Department of Philosophy that range from religion, ethics and politics, to feminism, art and death, to major thinkers such as Plato, Kant and Hegel.
In your first two years, youll do the essential physics that all of our students cover: heat, motion, electricity, magnetism and quantum mechanics. You will also be able to choose from a wide range of optional philosophy modules, which range from religion, ethics and politics, to feminism, the arts and death.
In practical classes, youll run experiments using the equipment in our modern laboratories to help you understand how important theories apply to the real world. In optional programming classes you can learn skills that are key to modern physics and valuable in many graduate careers, from data science to computer game design.
In the third year, you can branch out into lots of different areas and complete your own research project in physics or philosophy. Physics options include topics like astrophysics, dark matter and nuclear physics. Philosophy options include free will, phenomenology and metaphysics.
Optional placement year, Study abroad