The Master of Professional Engineering (Specialisation) is designed to inspire the next generation of innovative professional engineers. Whether you want to transition into a new specialisation or update your qualification to meet Australian industry requirements, this postgraduate course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to reach your career goals in this evolving industry. In this practical course, you will put theory into practice in a variety of ways. You will test your skills in hands-on laboratory classes, attend exciting field trips around the state, and hear from industry guest lecturers.In your final year of study, you will undertake a research project within your chosen specialisation, where you will design, develop, prototype, test, and implement your designs with the support of your peers and individual supervisor. You’ll graduate with job-ready skills and the ability to improve society in areas such as electricity, construction, mechanics, and design. Designed in consultation with Engineers Australia, this course has been created to meet the needs of the modern engineer. Throughout your degree, you will develop key knowledge and skills relevant to your chosen specialisation – allowing you to customise your learning for your career of choice.Through research projects, laboratory sessions, professional work placements, and industry field trips, your opportunity to practise and apply your skills is limitless. Your first year of study will include building foundational knowledge in engineering statics, dynamics, and circuits, as well as core skills in problem-solving, data analysis, and mathematics.If you have previous qualifications that make you eligible for a 1-year block credit, you will commence your study from year two. From here, you will complete units specific to your chosen specialisations: Civil and Structural, Electronics and Communications, Mechanical Engineering, Renewable Energy and Electrical Power, or Timber Design.