The Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business is designed to produce graduates who are prepared for scientific practice or business and management in health and medical businesses or institutions. Medical Scientists with Business strengths are the leaders of creating, and developing and taking to the public or market, solutions to health and medical problems. Medical Scientists careers are dynamic and involve an exciting range of professions from research and development, business, writing and implementing policy and practice in the medical and health sciences, and communicating science. In the medical scientists component of this degree students choose to major in Medical and Health-related Sciences or Pathology, allowing them to have speciality relevant to their career choices and interests. In the Pathology major students learn how diseases trigger biochemical or cellular changes in the body and how to best diagnose and treat these diseases. In the Medical and Health-related Science major students learn the body through the study of tissues, organs and cellular facets both in health and disease, medical devices, how medicines work, as well as public health policies and clinical trials.
Graduates are able to tap into both industries and job markets. Examples include hospital scientist, lab and medical pathologist, medical research and development, medical and pharmaceutical business roles, clinical trial and tissue bank roles, medical or science writer, marketer, analyst, and economist. Potential employers include IT companies, business consultancy firms, financial institutions, market research firms, risk management organisations, government, and regulatory agencies.