International Studies is an interdisciplinary major designed to prepare students for today's more globalized world. Whether you plan to work in Tennessee, Washington DC or abroad, understanding our complex world is a crucial skill. By becoming proficient in another language and being exposed to a variety of active engagement via international travel, international academic settings, experiential learning opportunities, and/ or internships, students gain confidence and an appreciation of other cultures. Students, through the three concentrations, prepare for eventual careers with US government agencies, international organizations, nonprofits/ humanitarian organizations, international businesses, the hospitality/tourism industry, and teaching English as a foreign language. In sum the International Studies program trains students to think critically, communicate effectively and work together to meet global challenges.
B.A. Curriculum. The major consists of a minimum of 42 hours, plus an additional 12 hours for the required foreign language minor. The general education requirements for the B.A. degree must be met. Students must complete the following four requirements for the major: 1) Core classes, 2) Concentration classes, 3) Travel study, study abroad, internship, and/or experiential learning projects, and 4) a foreign language minor.
This concentration prepares students for eventual careers with business industries, international organizations, non-profits/humanitarian organizations, the Peace Corps, USAID and other aid agencies, and the hospitality/tourism industry. Special topics classes (across the disciplines listed for the minor) or other relevant classes approved by the International Studies adviser may also be counted.