Biological sciences students use high-tech equipment to explore medical sciences, such as Hispanic cancer disparities within the Border Biomedical Research Center, in preparation for studies in medicine, animal sciences, pharmacy, dentistry or research. Students can choose from a B.S. or B.A. degree, which requires language coursework and a non-science minor. The Department of Biological Sciences is housed in two buildings, the Biology and Bioscience Research buildings. The Biology department office is housed in the Bioscience Research Building along with about 92,500 square feet of research, office and conference space. The Biology building is composed of about 48,000 square feet of teaching and research facilities. The Department of Biological Sciences faculty is comprised of 15 Full Professors, 13 Associate Professors, 9 Assistant Professors, 1 Research Professor, 1 Research Associate Professor, 4 Research Assistant Professors, and 6 Lecturers.
In addition to their roles as teachers, faculty members are also actively engaged in research in their areas of interest, with opportunities for undergraduates to participate in these research programs. Our faculty's research covers areas of interest in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Immunology and Infectious Disease, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Toxicology, Virology, Cancer Biology, Epidemiology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, and Evolution Biology. The University's location in the northern part of the Chihuahua Desert, the valley of the Rio Grande, and the border between the United States and Mexico all provide a unique research and instructional setting.