What is special about this courseIf you're interested in exploring views, ideas, theories, practices and behaviours, BA (Hons) Philosophy is the course for you. Socrates, one of the most famous philosophers of all times, said "I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.": that is a core strength of philosophical studies. In developing your ability to think well, you will be able to spot errors in reasoning, analyse complex issues and arguments, build a strong case and make a point with clarity and precision.Philosophy seeks to understand, and particularly to question, ideas concerning the nature of reality, value and experience that play a pervasive role in understanding the world and ourselves. The philosophy discipline focuses on problematic concepts, such as existence, reason and truth, which occur in every sphere of human enquiry, but more specifically on problematic concepts that belong to particular areas of thought and practice, such as politics, economics, religion, science and ethics.Following the Covid crisis and its aftermath, we've become more accustomed to seeing political decision-makers flanked by scientists. The Philosophy of Science is interested in analysing why science seems to be so successful in explaining reality. With scientists playing an ever-increasing role in decision-making processes at all levels, we have to ask: are scientists the new priests of societyThroughout the course you will apply this type of analytical and critical thinking to a range of 21st century issues such as: Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction What is the best way for a person to attain happiness Will religion ever become obsolete What is the future of artificial intelligence Is there a meaning to life and, if so, what is itSpecial featuresJoin regular meetings of the philosophy reading group, where you will discuss or present papers withfellow students and staffYou will be encouraged to participate in organisations that actively focus on issues in society and to put your views and beliefs into actionTailored modules and curriculum which improve your experience and ability to successfully undertake the course