Rehabilitation science is the systematic study of promoting, maintaining, or restoring human function, mobility, occupation, and well-being. Using basic and applied methods, the science is focused on phenomena at the level of the cell, person, family, community, or society to develop and evaluate theories, models, processes, measures, interventions, and policies to prevent, reverse, or minimize impairments, enable activity, and facilitate participation. By its very nature, rehabilitation science is multidisciplinary. The Rehabilitation Sciences Institute offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
Candidates for the MSc degree must have graduated with a minimum average of B in senior level courses in the final two years of a four-year degree program from a recognized University, with a strong undergraduate science background, including a course in research design and/or statistics. The four year degree may be in Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology or a related field. Related fields include: nursing, psychology, sociology, social work, physical and health education, basic sciences, engineering, kinesiology etc.