Pursue your passion for dramatic expression and creative exploration with the Theatre BFA. The program offers four emphasis areas: the Actor Training Program (ATP), the Musical Theatre Program (MTP), the Performing Arts Design Program (PADP), and the Stage Management Program. The program curriculum is then specialized to each emphasis area. ATP and MTP students must audition for admission to their respective programs, and from there they receive training in various acting, singing, and movement topics, while the other Theatre BFA programs require an application. PADP students complete coursework in costume, scenery, lighting, and sound design, while Stage Management students take classes in production, stage directing, and stagecraft. If you are interested in becoming a theatre teacher, you can also complete the Theatre Teaching major.
Career Opportunities
Theatre graduates have a vast number of job opportunities upon graduation. You can work as an actor or singer, remaining on the stage or transitioning to television and film. Specialize in production design, bringing to life the costumes and scenery of stage and film shows. Or, direct and manage plays, adding your own ideas to the performances you help engineer. Students can work in local theatre and production companies or join traveling troupes, if you studied abroad, consider returning to that country or one nearby to be an international performer. Careers as acting coaches and choreographers are also possible. If you decide to attend graduate school, you can find work as an educator, advisor, professor, or administrator.