Learn the craft of writing stories, poems, plays and films. Bring your words to life and inspire readers and audiences. Think critically about how we use words and stories. Fight against cliches and propaganda to discover your unique creative voice.
We mentor students in the major genres of creative writing, including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting and playwriting, and offer a Professional Writing Minor in Journalism and Publishing. You can also study new fields, such as children's writing, travel writing, interactive media, the graphic novel and other special topics.
The Department of Writing's Major Program allows you to develop your writing skills in the imaginative genres of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, screenwriting and playwriting. The writing major leads to either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Fine Arts, depending on the non-program courses selected
Communications coordinator, Creative writer, Editor or copywriter, Film publicist, Literary agent, Marketing professional
Playwright or screenwriter, Producer, Proposal writer, Publishing assistant,Social media coordinator