Digital Media and Culture MA focuses on how digital processes are transforming culture, the economy and society. Become trained in the tools to understand it, and use digital media creatively and critically at Warwick's Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies.
Digital media today affect all aspects of everyday, professional and public life, and understanding its significance requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Based at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) at the University of Warwick, the MA Programme in Digital Media and Culture is an advanced one-year postgraduate degree that addresses the role of digital technologies, media, and infrastructures in relation to culture, economics, politics, and society.
Drawing on multiple disciplines, the degree supports critical approaches to key topics in digital culture, including:
Platformisation, Participatory culture, Media activism, Digital labour and political economy, Privacy and surveillance, Behavioural design ,Data critique, Environmental sustainability
Our teaching combines theory, research methods, and creative practice. By selecting from a diverse offering of modules, students will have, for instance, the opportunity to learn data analytics and visualisation, to engage with speculative design and media art, and to discuss concepts in fields ranging from software studies to environmental humanities.