Mathematical Optimization is the field of mathematics that deals with the problems of management in business and government. It involves constructing mathematical models of complex real world situations and then applying sophisticated techniques to these models in order to make optimal, or near optimal, decisions. The three major components of the discipline of Mathematical Optimization are Optimization, Statistics, and Computer Science. The honours plan in Mathematical Optimization combines a solid foundation in mathematics with special sequences of courses in economics, business, and management science. The mathematics portion of the plan includes linear programming, modeling, scheduling, forecasting, decision theory, and computer simulation. Focus on problems where resources need to be allocated effectively in complex, dynamic, and uncertain conditions. You'll start with a solid foundation in math, including combinatorics, linear optimization, modelling, scheduling, forecasting, decision theory, and computer simulation. On top of that, you’ll add courses in economics, business, and management science, in addition to the ability to gain paid work experience through co-op.