The Department of French Studies at the University of Waterloo offers a wide variety of excellent undergraduate studies programs (French Teaching Specialization, Honours, Arts and BusinessFrench, Minors, Certificates) and graduate studies programs (M.A. and Ph.D.). If you wish to study and live in French, our Department should be part of your career plans. The Department of French studies offers degree programs at the Bachelor of Arts, Masters and PhD levels. Our degree programs, research-oriented Faculty and inclusive environment prepare students for various career paths within the fields of education, tourism, government and business. The Department of French studies also offers service and language courses for students looking to improve their French. A full list of courses that we offer along with program information is available on our site. Doctorate in French Studies 4 year program, Three major fields of research which reflect the challenges of the development of French studies and the new realities of the labor market: archiving and electronic publishing the literature of the Ancien Régime and its theories cultural and literary studies of Francophonies (19th - 21st centuries)
This last field of research includes cultural and literary studies of the Francophone world (France, Quebec, French Ontario, Africa, Caribbean), from the 19th century to the present day. In addition to taking into account the conditions of production and dissemination of works at a certain time and in a given context, cultural studies aim to establish a real dialogue between genres and the arts: literary texts, paraliterature and popular cultures, theater, etc. cinema, music, painting, etc. Theoretical approaches to cultural studies are multidisciplinary and draw inspiration from, among others, semiotics, intermediality, feminist and queer studies., poststructuralism, postcolonialism, ecocritical approaches, theories of psychoanalysis and studies of minorities.