The Human Ecology PhD named option in Civil Society and Community Research (CSCR) focuses on theoretical foundations of grassroots institutions, nonprofit organizations, voluntary associations, and social networks that strive to benefit the common good. The program emphasizes mixed method inquiries that integrate participatory approaches with advanced quantitative and qualitative analysis. The program prepares students to use the processes of research and outreach to strengthen civil society.
The civil society and community research faculty areas of research include: civil society, the nonprofit sector, civic engagement, developmental psychology, community and organizational development, youth civic engagement, community psychology, applied medical anthropology, sustainability, education, inter-generational partnerships, program evaluation and learning assessment, communityuniversity partnerships, and philanthropy and giving.
The CSCR program is served by a multidisciplinary faculty who are professionally active and have strong records of national and international scholarship. They bring perspectives of many disciplines to their work, including community psychology, developmental psychology, sociology, education, medical and cultural anthropology, transformative evaluation, and community action.