A major in Environmental Humanities will equip you with the tools to analyse, critique and engage with contemporary debates about the environment. You will acquire a deep and critical understanding of the social contexts through which we experience environmental issues and problems such as climate change, species loss, adaptation, exploitation and natural disasters. You will gain a clear understanding of the role of cultural forces (histories, narratives, cultural values and ethics) that influence and shape relationships to the environment.
You will investigate the works of key humanities thinkers in environmental debates, and how these manifest in policies, solutions and conflicts. It will explore ideas for alternative futures, Indigenous conceptions of country, and also how relationships with nature and other animals have been historically and culturally produced. The Environmental Humanities major brings together subjects from International studies, Philosophy, History, Indigenous Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, English, Contemporary Arts and Geography. All of the strengths of Humanities research and teaching (critical and creative thinking, questions of social justice, ethics and cultural engagement) will be brought into the domain of the environment. The development of Environmental Humanities is in response to 21st Century environmental crises of climate change; depletion of natural resources, species extinctions, mass migration, natural disasters, global inequalities and climate refugee crises.