Studying a Bachelor of Journalism with a Bachelor of Communication and Media will help you succeed in advertising, public relations and corporate branding. You will learn how to present news and information to a wide range of audiences while gaining the skills to write, edit and publish a broad variety of written materials. You will be able to research, plan and execute communication campaigns, and will acquire skills in issue management, product publicity, crisis communications and media relations.
The Bachelor of Communication and Media degree offers students a strong foundation in global communication and media industries. This degree has a focus on preparing students for global careers in digital and social media, visual communication design, journalism, global screen media, marketing, communication and advertising. Students will encounter key ideas in the study and practice of media and communications, and gain flexible and transferable skills that will prepare them for informed engagement with the changing world of global media culture.
The Bachelor of Journalism provides in-depth hands-on training in journalism, converging media (radio, TV, web, phone, tablet), digital communication and multimedia storytelling. It has a strong professional focus, with an emphasis on practical learning with studio-based studies in multimedia content production. You will learn to research, produce and present entertaining and timely stories through video, audio, print and digital technologies including podcasting and webcasting, working both independently and collaboratively.
Combining studies in Journalism with a degree in Communication and Media will offer you a broad introduction to the ways that new media shapes our everyday lives - both in the workplace and in our communities. You'll learn critical and innovative thinking skills, and effective communication and creative writing skills, all of which are required for a successful career in a range of communication and journalism roles.