Established in 1987, Vancouver Film School is a recognized world leader in entertainment arts education, offering full-time programs across eight campuses. The school offers 15 post-secondary programs that delivers the industry-standard techniques and applicable skills that student needs to start a rewarding career in acting, animation, film and television production, screenwriting, programming, makeup, sound, digital, game, or VRAR design.
VFS functions like a major studio, with multiple production facilities that are essential for creating content for film, TV, games, animation, design and digital applications. The school has outstanding facilities with master instructors and mentors, and the institute regularly updates and realigns curriculum to be in lockstep with the most current industry standards.
Vancouver’s film, animation, game and design industries surround its campuses, and its students benefit from career guidance and expertise from industry mentors, instructors and guest speakers. The faculty at VFS are veteran professionals with experience at the forefront of the industry, boasting credits on the hottest and most well recognized franchises, products and entertainment properties.
Located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, B.C., all of VFS campuses offer workshops and production spaces, film sets, studios, screening rooms, theatres, a 280-degree green screen room, motion and performance capture facilities, and 247 access to computer labs with industry-standard software.