From apiculture to agriculture, medicine to management, Virginia Tech entomologists stand for education, innovation, discovery, and utilization of one of the most diverse life science fields in the world. With this in mind, the mission of the PhD degree program in the Department of Entomology is to provide graduate students an intensive and inclusive experience in entomological research and information delivery to allow them an opportunity to obtain a professional or managerial position in an entomology-related field. The program provides innovative instruction in the classroom, laboratory and field in order to give students experiences in both applied and basic settings. Our Department's priority is providing solutions to address the impacts of arthropods by building on our strengths in medical entomology, integrated pest management, biodiversity and environmental sustainability, and fulfilling our land grant mission of research, teaching, Extension, and service.
Students studying entomology pursue careers in: Entomologist, Apiculturist, Extension agent, Pest management professional
Insect taxonomist, Agricultural technology representative, Pesticide safety educator, Arbovirologist
Vector-borne disease ecologist, Insect toxicologist, Insect identification lab manager, Tree pest manager, Research associate
Geneticist, Systematist