The Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education (K-12): Art, Biological Science, Chemistry, Chinese, Earth Science, English, French, Japanese, Music, Physical Science, Social Studies, Spanish, is a 30-credit, 15 month program, in which graduate students earn initial certification in their subject area and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree. The coursework begins in May of the first summer and ends in August of the following summer. The program can be pursued through the traditional or alternate route. The traditional route requires a year-long residency starting in September, during which teacher candidates will be in area schools full time, three days a week in the fall, and four days a week in the spring. The alternate route requires that teacher candidates obtain a certificate of eligibility (CE) in the subject area for which certification is being sought, and are then hired by a participating school as teacher of record in the subject area. Courses meet on campus in the evening, as well as online. Teacher candidates are required to demonstrate effective teaching, research, and dispositions aligned with COE, state, and national standards through videos, lesson plans, and a research capstone project. Students implement their action research projects during the second summer semester. Literacy and technology are integrated throughout the program and key assessments include a teaching performance assessment, action research project, and edTPA.