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Conditions to receive Study Abroad Scholarships are not just based on perfect GPA or outstanding extracurricular activities. Among the many How to hunt for scholarships, completing a good essay also helps you impress the admissions committee and show your potential and the academic goals you have always pursued in the future. If you have already started writing an essay but still want to learn more tips to help your essay show its color. Let's explore the experiences of writing an effective scholarship essay from IDP!
Based on the essay writing experience of those who came before you, how to write an essay for a scholarship is divided into 6 steps. If you want to surprise others with the attractive ideas in the article, don't be afraid to challenge yourself and follow the steps below:
Determining the requirements of the question is extremely necessary. The University or scholarship awarding organization will usually ask a question or topic related to events in society. You need to understand the requirements of the question as well as the implications if there is a hidden meaning behind the question. For example, "Describe a book that left a deep impression on your life."
You may be asking yourself, "Is the scholarship organization only interested in the books you love or what else do they want to know more?". In addition to the description of the book, the school board also wants to understand more about who you are and what motivates you to learn. Just through a book you like, you can judge whether you are a potential candidate for a scholarship or not.
Tip: No matter what topic the scholarship question or essay topic belongs to, try to skillfully integrate your background and desire for development. Don't forget to present experiences that are in line with the goals and missions related to the activities of the scholarship awarding organization.
Many students often do not have the habit of making an outline because they are afraid that this process is too complicated and takes a long time. However, outlining a coherent outline with linked keywords is one of the quickest and most well-meaning ways to present an essay.
When reading the topic, circle the important keywords. After that, you should develop the main and secondary keywords throughout the structure of the scholarship essay. Especially with scholarship essays in English, try to find expensive vocabulary and keywords that attract the attention of the marking board. Don't forget to use conjunctions between sentences.
If the scholarship application essay is full of ideas but does not convey a unified message, it is also very difficult to convince the admissions committee. A message is similar to a slogan that conveys the general content, and at the same time expresses your own personality and attitude.
The more profound and unique the manifesto, the more prominent it is to show your own special and attractive personality. This is an important factor in creating excellent essays.
Don't be shy about sharing anything about who you are. This is an opportunity for you to present in more detail the hidden strengths and talents that have not been presented in the study abroad application. Expressing your own experience will help the scholarship essay always be authentic and leave a deep impression on the scholarship review committee.
After completing the scholarship hunting essay, send it to trusted friends such as parents, relatives, or older siblings for them to contribute. You can also send it to people with expertise such as professors and lecturers in charge of research so that they can point out errors that you can't detect such as presentation errors, the logic of ideas.
The school and the scholarship awarding organization are always on the lookout for grammatical errors. Even the slightest mistake can distract the reader from the overall message of the article. After receiving feedback from people who refer to your scholarship essay, make sure you read your essay from beginning to end to make sure the spelling, grammar, and style are correct before submitting.
Never wait until the deadline to start working on your scholarship essay. Once you have determined the scholarship you want to apply for, take the time to think about the topic of the essay and outline all the ideas you want to implement in the article. Be prepared at least 2 weeks before the application deadline.
There are quite a few students who always start their scholarship essay with memories from when they were 9 or 10 years old, and link the impact on their future careers. However, for scholarship hunting essays, you should refrain from mentioning childhood stories because these arguments lack professionalism and lack persuasiveness. This will likely reduce the score of the card.
Often, schools and scholarship organizations always want to see how you overcome difficulties and succeed despite the unintended obstacles that occur in your life. Maintain positivity and optimism throughout your scholarship essay. You can also talk about the lessons learned from failures. The more positive the language, the higher your score will be.
In your scholarship essay, avoid repeating awards and achievements that have been mentioned in your CV. Pay attention to the number of words to present other aspects, and hidden talents that the school or scholarship awarding organization has not found in you.
For those of you who apply for the scholarship and complete the essay on your own, you will spend a lot of time tinkering with research in the process of preparing all the paperwork. You can contact the reputable study abroad consulting companies with a lot of experience in supporting successful scholarship-hunting candidates such as IDP. You just need to Contact IDP, the counseling department is always actively looking for the highest value scholarship suitable for your academic ability.
The topics for the scholarship essay are quite diverse. Let's refer to the sample essay below to understand more about the structure of the work. This is a sample essay by Brian – one of 40 students across the country to win the Marshall Scholarship. This is also an outstanding individual among the 80 Truman Scholarship recipients. This is considered one of the best essays describing Brian's journey to start walking on the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia at the age of 17. Just by describing the 6-month solo walk, Brian brought a very different perspective and left a deep impression on the admissions committee.
Topic: Lessons from the Outdoors
The outdoors has always played a large role in my life, whether in Boy Scouts, on my own, or with the military thus far. However, there is one outdoor experience of mine that did not involve my being in a club. I also did not get any awards for this experience, yet it has had a more profound impact on who I am than any other single event in my life, my "thru-hike" of the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia.
I started my thru-hike when I was 17 years old, three weeks after I graduated from high school. It took me just over six months to complete. In those six months, I learned more about myself than in the previous 17 years or in the five years since. There is nothing with which it can compare. I financed the hike with money that I saved during my last semester of high school, working 40 hours per week on top of my full-time student schedule. I was determined to reach Maine and hike south to Georgia. This was the first real goal that I had ever made for myself, and I reached it alone on a cold January morning.
The lessons from the trial are ones that have affected me in everything I have done since. Because of those six months, I see the world differently, in a way that is sometimes impossible to explain to someone else, though I might try.
My life was not difficult growing up, but I found a need to put myself through the difficulties of trial life. From this time, I gained an appreciation for the little things, like clean water to drink and a dry place to sleep (both of which were sometimes lacking). I met people from all walks of life, as they crossed paths with my walk in life. From that experience, I am better able to deal with those whose backgrounds do not resemble mine, a skill I have used often in the military.
Now I have turned my life 180 degrees. I no longer have hair to the middle of my back or a beard. I have traded my Birkenstock sandals for combat boots. Yet, somehow, everything I did on the trail applies to what I have done since. Whether it's suffering in a foxhole during field training, or sleeping in a cold, dank lean-to on my hike, the lessons are not all that different.
Though my journey in life has wandered back onto the beaten path, I know that if the nation needs me to lead soldiers into the brush or assist in providing humanitarian aid, I have my previous experience to draw from. Because I have been there, I have a common bond of suffering with millions throughout the world and another bond to all of my soldiers. I am still amazed at how my former life as a free-spirited wanderer has better prepared me for life as a disciplined soldier.
If you want to write a scholarship essay but still don't know where to start, hopefully, the above information will help you get off to the smoothest start. Don't forget to provide scholarship Letters of recommendation to bring plus points to your resume, or refer to the scholarship sample essays for more tips on completing a better essay.
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