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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topics, Samples, Answers

Topics covered

IELTS Speaking Part 1 is the first part of IELTS speaking which lasts about 4-5 minutes. You will have to answer about 12 questions with about 3 different topics. The topics in the questions are familiar topics in life such as hometown, family, hobbies, food, sports, work and study, etc.

1. How to practice IELTS Speaking Part 1

Here are some ways to help you practice for the IELTS speaking test to achieve a high score.

Understand the test format

You must grasp the format of the speaking test to practice in a similar way to be able to control the time.

Understand the scoring criteria

You must know how different speaking tests are evaluated and on what basis they are assessed. To achieve a high score in the IELTS Speaking test, you need to meet the following 4 criteria:

  • Fluency and Coherence

  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • Pronunciation

  • Lexical Resource

See details: Scoring criteria for the IELTS Speaking test

Practice speaking daily

You must practice speaking English daily while focusing more on grammar. You should also focus on fluency to be able to speak the test smoothly without hesitation.

Be prepared but don't memorize

Make sure you prepare topics that you find difficult. Remember, besides your knowledge of the topic, the examiner will consider your confidence when you speak. So, even if you are asked about something you haven't specifically prepared for, don't hesitate and speak from your heart, don't worry, and you will automatically exude confidence.

Record while practicing

When practicing for the speaking test, you can record your practice using your phone or any other recording device and listen back to check your fluency and smoothness. This way, you will be able to evaluate how you speak.

Evaluate your level

After you have recorded yourself, listen back and try to evaluate it, and write down the points you can improve. It is important to focus on your weaknesses and improve them.

2. Tips for IELTS Speaking Part 1

Be Confident

The key to scoring well in the Speaking Test is speaking confidently. As soon as you start your speaking test, relax and try not to think of it as a test but as a conversation with a good friend.

Prepare ideas for questions the examiner might ask you

Prepare ideas for answers to questions you think the examiner might ask. Try to practice answering these questions in your head so that you can speak fluently and not panic during the test.

For example:

Suppose, you are preparing for questions on the topic 'WORK', make sure you have answers for:

  • What is your job?

  • Where do you work?

  • Do you like your job?

  • Why did you choose this job?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • How long have you been in this job?

  • How are your colleagues?

Show Interest in the Questions

Even if you are not sure about the question the questioner is asking you, show interest in it and try to answer by talking about your experience related to the topic. At any point in the test, do not pause for too long or hesitate when answering, it will only make you more nervous and show a lack of confidence.

Try to expand your answers

In IELTS Speaking Part 1, you will only be asked about personal topics, so try to avoid giving one-word answers. For every question asked to you, try to expand it by explaining in detail. Long and informative answers will show that you are confident and that you are comfortable conversing in English.

Avoid giving yes or no answers

You should make sure to avoid one-word answers as this will show a lack of confidence. Since confidence is one of the main factors considered during the test, avoid giving one-word or short answers, it is important to stay calm so that you can give a complete answer.

Try to answer all the examiner's questions

Since IELTS Speaking Part 1 will include all personal questions and/or questions related to you, you should try to answer each question honestly and confidently. In any case, if you do not understand a question, you can ask the examiner to explain because they will only test your language skills and not your knowledge of the topic.

Below are common topic questions and sample answers. However, you should not memorize the sample answers, you should only refer to them and come up with your own answers. Take a look at these sample papers to help you practice and gain more confidence before the test.

Topic 1: Hometown



What’s (the name of) your hometown and where is it?

Victoria is my hometown. It is a province located in the west of my country.

Is that a big city or a small place?

It is a small province with slightly more than 1 million people.

Please describe your hometown a little? (or) What’s your hometown like? (or) Tell me about your hometown.

It has a breathtaking view of picturesque landscapes with rolling mountains and greenish lakes. However, due to the increasing economy, a number of businesses, especially in sugarcane, are invested in my hometown making it very promising.

How long have you been living there?

I had lived there for around 15 years before my family left for Santa City. It’s been more than ten years since I left my hometown.

Do you like your hometown? If yes, what do you like (most) about your hometown?

Yes, I do like my hometown! I like the hospitality of people in my hometown. Also, everyone was willing to give others a hand when they needed help.

Topic 2: Study



Are you studying or working?

I’m currently a senior at X University, which is one of the top schools in the nation. Admission is incredibly competitive, so I’m very proud of being a student here.

What are you studying?

Well, I’m majoring in Accountancy, so as you can guess, I deal a lot with numbers and figures day in, day out. It can be overwhelming at times, but I think that I have a knack for mathematics and calculations, so it’s okay.

Why did you choose to study that major?

There are many reasons for my choice. Primarily, I have an interest in Accountancy. Another reason could be because of Accountancy itself since I’ve found that my personality has changed positively. I’ve become more patient and skillful.

What’s the most difficult part of your study?

Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments, and students are always under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake. They are entirely predictable, and I can pretty much breeze through them with a bit of revision.

What do you like most about your school?

I guess the aspect I find most enjoyable is the environment. I mean, I get to study in English-speaking classrooms, and the facilities are top-notch; I mean, all the classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with projectors. My friends and teachers are all adorable, so, all in all, it’s a great place to study.

Topic 3: Work



Who do you spend most time working with?

I work in a software company in our country, and I often have to work with a number of colleagues on different projects and requirements. However, I believe I work most with two of my colleagues, who happen to be also from my university, as we are often in the same team working on the same projects.

What kinds of things do you work on with other people?

As a software developer, almost always I work in a team. My work nature is such that I have to constantly interact with a group of people ranging from the clients to the project manager, from teammates, subordinates, the design team, the marketing team to the testing team. I work with the clients to understand the project requirements. With other teams and project managers, I mostly discuss the progress of the projects or do formal meetings about the projects. With the testing team, I collaborate in order to solve bugs or improve a feature.

Are there times when you work better by yourself?

Well, before starting working on a project, I need to discuss and collaborate with several people. But when it comes to actually write codes for the software or application, I prefer to work all by myself. However, during this work, I often need to supervise my subordinates and interact with seniors. I think I prefer writing code in a silent environment without the intervention of others because this way, I can pay absolute attention and produce great outputs.

Is it important to like the people you work with?

In my opinion, it is quite important to like and respect people we work with. Without having a work environment where we have friendly and helpful colleagues, we cannot go on for a long. In fact, we spend a significant amount of our day-time in our workplace, so it is imperative that we are surrounded by the people we like to work with and respect each other.

Topic 4: Dreams



Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

No, not really. I mean, when I wake up, I often have no recollection of what happened in my dreams. I just remember disconnected fragments of the dream which don’t really make any sense.

Do you like hearing others’ dreams?

Yes, I guess. A lot of people are haunted by their dream, and they really just need someone to talk to about it. Some are scared out of their mind if they see nightmares.

Do you think dreams will affect life?

Yeah, to a certain extent, I think. Some people are really affected by what they see in their dreams. If they see death or suffering, for example, they may interpret it as an omen, and they often take some precautions like being extra careful on the road. So yeah, I guess dreams do influence our behaviors.

Do you want to learn more about dreams?

Well, it’s not an area that I take a keen interest in, so I gotta say no. I’m sure dreams can reveal truly fascinating things about our brain and our cognition, but to be honest, I’m more of an art person, so I prefer to learn about music or culture rather than dreams.

Topic 5: Weekend



What do you usually do on weekends?

Well literally anything. I’m supposed to do chores on Saturday and it takes me hours to do one. On Sunday, I usually schedule a meeting with my friends. We mostly just eat out, drink craft beers and play board games, but we occasionally watch a movie or go to an event in the city.

Would you say weekends are important to us?

Yes, I could say, that weekends are really important. Weekends give us the chance to improve on ourselves as people rather than always improving our professional skills, to spend time with friends and family, and to plan a weekend trip in a nearby place. Thanks to weekends, we are more relaxed and productive when we go back to work.

Do you often go to the cinema on weekends?

I probably only go once every two or three months because I have less time now than I did when I was a student, and when I do have free time, I usually want to hang out with my friends and have a chat, rather than sit down and watch films.

Do you think your weekends are long enough?

Yes, I do think that my weekends are long enough because it helps me to rejuvenate for the challenges of the next week by allowing me to do the things that I really enjoy. Of course, an extra weekend day would certainly be welcome by many people like me, but I don’t see it happening in the near future. So, essentially, whether our weekend is long enough or not depends on how we plan to spend the time.

Topic 6: Talents



Do you have a talent or something you are good at?

It's difficult to say. I’m still young and I’m not excellent at anything, as I still have a lot to learn. I guess I have a talent for drawing and sketching. It is like a hobby for me and I enjoy to sketch something in my textbooks, in my notebook, or even on my tablet with a pen. It is a great pastime and I have learned to draw some small cartoons and other stuff.

Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

Well, as a kid, I always used to draw anywhere and on anything. I used to draw on paper, on old newspapers, and on the wall at home (and I would get punished for that). I guess I enjoyed drawing like any other kid and then I've built some proficiency by simply repeating over and over again. And so over time, it became the little talent I enjoy doing.

Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

I’m not really sure. Perhaps If I had to draw or design something, that would be useful, but I’m afraid it won't be enough. I don’t think I’ll become an artist or a designer and so I guess it will remain my hobby in the future, but I won't have the opportunity to earn money with it.

Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

I haven't seen any of my parents or relatives draw anything, so I guess they don't have this particular talent. The thing is that in their childhood, they didn't learn these extra skills outside of school, and school was limited itself. So I’m guessing they didn't develop their drawing skill at all, but I’m not sure about other relatives.

Are people born talented?

I'm not really sure. I've heard of some babies that begin speaking at a very early age or some kids that begin reading early on. I suppose that could be called talent. Moreover, there are people naturally good at some sports and so I guess this proves that some people are born with talent or some sort of deeper natural understanding of a skill.

Topic 7: Street market



Are there many street markets in your country?

Absolutely! Street food and markets are a huge part of my culture. Many, no matter rich or poor, go to the streets in the morning to pick up the freshest produce from the street vendors. The thing is that the street produce is the best quality and price! You simply cannot find fish or crabs straight out of (directly)the water onto your plate in a supermarket.

Do you like going to street markets?

I love it! I love the whole experience of seeing people selling their products, as well as I believe that the freshest produce comes from there. I would much rather go to a street market than a large name brand supermarket, where the produce is treated with pesticides and other chemicals to keep it from perishing.

What do street markets sell?

I’d say the most common items are fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe even meats or fish as well. However, the farmer’s markets in my town tend to only sell fruits, vegetables, and local products such as honey from their bee farming.

Do you think people like street markets?

Definitely. No matter what your economic status (how much money you have) is, there is always something for you. Moreover, our street markets are famed for freshness and quality at the lowest prices, so why would dislike that? On the other hand, some people fear being ripped off (being charged a higher price), so they avoid the street markets.

What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

Street markets have fresher products and usually involve local people or farmers coming to sell their products, whereas supermarkets sell more commercialized products. Although street market food may be tasty and fresh, supermarket food can be safer since they have tighter restrictions from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

Topic 8: Taking photos



Do you like taking photos?

Yes, I do. In fact, I share photos every day with my friends or relatives. I usually take a photo of the food that I eat, the place I’m at, or the scenery around me. I believe I’ve become good at taking pictures with my mobile phone, and so I enjoy doing it regularly. I can't live without taking a few pictures every now and then.

Do you like taking selfies?

Yes, I do from time to time. I don’t look my best every day, however at times, when I prepare very well for going out, or when I dress up, I’ll take a few selfies to remember the time I looked well. I’ll even post some of my selfies online, and receive some likes from my friends, which encourages me to take even more selfies. It's funny.

What is your favorite family photo?

I have one of my family at a restaurant. I believe that was my grandfather’s birthday and so we went to eat outside. In the photo, you can see all of us together, as we asked a waiter to take the shot. Everybody was laughing or smiling together, and that made for a great photo. I believe I have it somewhere on my mobile phone, and every now and then I look at it and remember the good times.

Do you want to improve your photography skills?

I’m already doing a great job at taking photos, but there is always room for improvement. I could take a free online course, as there are many these days teaching the basics or even advanced strategies of taking photos or videos. These skills are important and could be useful for work, so I could do that If I have time.

Do you take many photos while traveling?

Yes, of course. It's always a great idea to take a few snaps of nature, the landscape, the sightseeing, the wonderful landmarks, and monuments, or even some interesting and colorful people. The best photographs are the pictures I take while traveling, especially abroad. There are so many wonders to discover, that I can't wait to get started again.

Topic 9: Sport



Do you like to watch sports on TV?

Not at all! I despise it. I get extremely bored and disinterested. I usually try to avoid watching sports on TV at all costs unless it’s an exciting event, like the World Cup or Super Bowl. In that case, I go for the social event rather than the game itself.

Do you play any sports?

Not anymore. I was an avid swimmer as a child, but I gave that up after high school, as it was quite time-consuming. Nowadays, I enjoy going to the gym, running around the lake by my house, and going on mountain treks. I’m not sure if these are considered sports, but I’m really into physical activity.

Which is the popular sports in your country?

Soccer of course! As soccer is the sport of the world, that would be number one. People go wild when our team wins a game- they even drive around waving flags, blocking off the streets! Apart from this, many people enjoy playing tennis and doing martial arts.

Who is your favorite sports star?

As I’m not a big sports fan, I don’t really have one. However, I think I may like Cristiano Ronaldo. Although I don’t know anything about him or his athletic abilities, I think I’ve always been drawn to him because of his looks.

What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

I’m really intrigued by soccer. I think it’s something that can really connect people, as well as is good cardiovascular and coordination activity. Actually, I wish I had gotten into it as a child. I think it would be interesting to join a league in my city.

Topic 10: Hobbies/Leisure time



Do you have any hobbies?

Well, everyone has their own leisure pursuits, and mine is reading. The book I’m reading at the moment is The Godfather by renowned author Mario Puzo. It’s a classic, really, and I’d recommend it.

Is it important to have a hobby?

Definitely! I mean nowadays life is getting more and more hectic, so people are always under an enormous amount of stress. That’s why it’s helpful to get into some recreational activities to be able to unwind and just forget about life for a minute, you know?

Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?

Yes, I believe spending excessive time on a hobby may have an adverse effect on people. You may end up having not enough time for your priorities like family or work. For example, it’s easy for me to lose myself in books and neglect the deadlines at work.

What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?

I would love to have a crack at extreme sports in the future, maybe ski-diving. It looks like a blast and I think I will get a real kick out of free-falling from enormous heights.

What hobbies are popular in your country?

Vietnam has a lot of cultures, each culture has its own tradition, especially in dance. So, I guess the common hobby here is dancing. People dance in almost every event, like a wedding party or ceremony as well.

Xem thêm: Chi tiết IELTS Speaking chủ đề Hobbies

Topic 11: Time management



How do you plan your day?

It’s such a shame to admit this but I’m terrible at planning or organizing my day. If I plan my day ahead, I just end up not following what I plan. And because of that, I’ve made up my mind not to plan things, I just want my day to be spontaneous so I can be more productive, in my opinion.

Is it easy for you to manage time?

That really depends on my mood! If I’m so inspired, managing my time is not a worry. I can easily manage my time without any pressure or stress, that is, I can do the things that I need to do seamlessly. But if I feel the opposite, I become a time-waster.

When do you find it hard to allocate time?

Obviously, when I’m incredibly busy with my work or my personal life, that’s when I have trouble giving my time to others or to another task. It’s just impossible for me to squeeze someone or something in and sadly I sometimes feel guilty about it.

Do you like being busy?

Not at all and I don’t think there’s someone in this world who wants to be busy. Busyness is a killer – it halts you from doing your hobbies; seeing your friends; spending time with your grandparents or parents; and more importantly living a healthy life.

Topic 12: Social media



Are you a social person?

Very much so! I feel that I thrive on (survive) social interactions. I like a small amount of time to myself each day, but I feel most charged when I spend time with others. I prefer to spend my free time with friends or family rather than being in my room reading a book, for instance.

Do you use social networking sites?

Yes, social networking websites have become part of my everyday life. My favourite one is Facebook, one of the most popular websites in the world, with millions of users in different countries.

What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

All kinds! I am friends with a wide range of people from my school years, family members, and friends I’ve recently met. I’m even friends with people who I’ve never even met before.

Do you like to use Facebook?

Yes, I love it! This social networking website allows me to keep in contact with my friends and find people you’ve lost touch with.

How did you first find out about Facebook?

As far as I remember, one of my friends sent me an email inviting me to join Facebook. I signed up and I’ve been using it ever since.

Topic 13: Technology



What electronic devices have you bought lately?

I haven’t bought one recently because I don’t have the need to get one. I have a functioning laptop, two smartphones, and home appliances. To be honest with you, I’m not crazy about electronic devices like some people who really need to queue early at a store when a new iPhone is released.

Is technology important in your life?

Of course! I can’t imagine my life without those necessary technological devices. Actually, my work is completely dependent on a computer, the internet, and a smartphone. Without these things, I don’t think my life would be so comfortable or convenient. My life is great with technology.

Which do you use more often, computers or cell phones?

I believe I use my smartphone more than my computer because it’s more convenient. I can reply to emails very easily and quickly, I can give a call to my clients and my co-workers, and I can do online banking with the use of applications. Well, I only use my computer if I need to type some documents and print them. Other than that, I rely on using my smartphone.

What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?

Well, working remotely just by using a computer and a good internet connection is a thing today that I had never expected would come into a reality when I was young. Aside from that, the existence of electric cars or self-driving cars that we see today is an amazing trend nowadays. Many years ago, these types of technology weren’t existing, but perhaps some great minds at that time already thought about these things.

Topic 14: Jewellery



Do you like jewelry?

I love collecting tiny pieces of art like jewellry since they are not only accessories but perfect complements to your whole look. There are thousands of types and designs of jewelries for you to choose from so I bet everyone, regardless of gender, can find at least one item they love, from earrings, bracelets, necklaces to watches. The materials which they are made of, also vary from luxurious ones such as silver, gold, diamond to more affordable and street-style ones like artificial stones, copper or other metals. Thus, they can go with different kinds of styles and if you do it right, they will make your outfit less boring and livelier.

Do you wear any jewelry?

Even though I have a whole jewelry collection at home, I’ve never attempted to put on more than five pieces since I live with a motto: “simplicity is the best”. I have a habit of picking up eye-catching accessories whenever I come across one but always consider carefully before matching them with my costume. For example, if I dress in an off-shoulder top, a simple choker is good enough to highlight my long neck. Other times, when I tie my hair in a messy bun, I prefer a pair of sophisticated earrings such as hoop or feather ones to add more feminine and romantic vibes. But all in all, never exceed five at the same time.

Do people in your country ever wear jewelry, such as rings or neckless? Why do people like to wear those things?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, most people show a big preference for accessories like jewelry in the belief that they beautify the body. It’s a common sight that women wear necklaces or bracelets made of gold every time they are present at a special occasion like weddings or parties. Besides, such pricey accessories symbolize people’s social status as well, so it is used as a means to show off things people have.

How often do you wear jewellery?

Once in a while, especially when there is a special event. On that occasion, I often have my bracelet or necklace on so that I can feel more confident in myself.

What kind of jewellery do you like to wear/see on other people?

If I were to choose, I’d opt for gold necklace or bracelet. The reason behind this is that they are eye-catching and a girl would look gorgeous with some accessories on such body parts. For me, any piece of jewelry has its own beauty, depending on the beholders and the appropriateness of the situation.

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