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IELTS Speaking Scoring Phrases and Rules for Using Them

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One of the four scoring criteria of the examiner in IELTS Speaking is the accuracy and variety of sentence structure (Grammatic Range and Accuracy). Accordingly, to achieve high results in the speaking test, you can refer to the scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking and the rules of usage appropriate to the context in the article below.


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1. Leading and opening phrases

To start your speaking test in an engaging and fluent manner, never overlook the common introductory phrases in IELTS Speaking. Below, IDP will list the scoring phrases in the speaking test and how to use them proficiently and naturally.

  • Let me tell you about…: Hãy để tôi nói cho bạn nghe về …

This is a common introductory structure that you can apply to most topics in Task 1 and Task 2.

Introduction about family: Let me tell you about my family.

  • According to estimation…: Theo ước tính …

This phrase is often used to provide specific evidence for the argument in the essay.

Environmental topic: According to estimation, the earth’s temperature will increase by 2.4 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st century.

  • The one who/that stands out is…: Điểm nổi bật của người/ điều đó là …

You can use this phrase to talk about the special, outstanding point of a person or an event.

Family topic: My mother is the one who stands out is her beauty.


Start the test with engaging introductory sentences

  • I’m going to tell you about …: Tôi sẽ kể cho bạn nghe về …

This is also one of the scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking and is used similarly to the phrase Let me tell you about …

Hometown topic: I’m going to tell you about my hometown.

  • Well, it is considered that …: Đúng vậy, nó được coi là …

This phrase can be used in various situations, meaning to consider or regard as.

Reading topic: Well, it is considered that his book is one of the best.

  • It is generally accepted that …: Nó thường được chấp nhận/ đồng ý rằng …

This structure is often used to talk about things that people accept, being correct and reasonable.

Education topic: It is generally accepted that children today have access to education much more easily than years ago.

  • My impression is that …: Ấn tượng của tôi là …

You can use this phrase to talk about impressions after a trip or to emphasize your personal opinion.

Social topic: My impression is that Americans feel more comfortable with the present subjunctive than Britons.

  • It goes without saying that …: Không cần nói tới điều đó …

This phrase is used to express things that are too obvious, things that may not need to be said but are still mentioned to emphasize again.

Communication topic: It goes without saying that you should wear a clean suit for the interview.


Introductory phrases help make your test more engaging.

>>>Read more: Taking IELTS on a computer gets quick results at IDP

2. Các cụm từ ăn điểm trong IELTS Speaking thể hiện sự đồng ý quan điểm

In the Speaking section Part 2 and Part 3, the examiner will give a specific topic such as: the most recent book you read, a piece of art you love, or a communication situation, the viewpoint of a great person.

After receiving the topic, you will have some time to think and present and answer the questions posed by the examiner. If the question is a viewpoint or a true/false statement, you can use the classic phrases below to express agreement with that viewpoint.

  • I hold the view that: I hold the view that.

  • Can’t argue with that/I can’t argue that: Can’t argue with that.

    (This phrase is used in situations where you cannot or do not want to argue with the proposal or viewpoint that someone else has given. It is often used to agree with the idea just presented.)

  • I can see how that might be true/correct:I can see how that might be true.

  • I would imagine so: I would imagine so.

  • It’s hard to see how they can be wrong: It’s hard to see how they can be wrong.

  • Let me backup/support this idea with a few: Let me support this idea with a few.

  • I’ve reached this conclusion for a number of reasons: I’ve reached this conclusion for a number of reasons.

  • The main problem is: The main problem is.


There are many scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking to express agreement with the given viewpoint

Specific example on the topic of environment:

I hold the view that an increase in interspecies competition leads to local extinctions and a decrease in variety.

The main problem is local extinctions and a decrease in variety.

Example on the topic of education: Teacher development is the key to better education.

Can’t argue with that/ It’s hard to see how they can be wrong. However, in my opinion …

Let me support this idea with a few. The first, …The second, …

>>> You can refer to List of 10+ free + paid Speaking practice websites to improve your skills when taking the IELTS Speaking test.

3. Counterargument phrases

Besides the cases that agree with the given opinion, there are also cases where candidates disagree, oppose that opinion, and present their own views. To express the counter-argument of the statement, you can use the following phrases:

  • No, I’m not sure about that because:

  • I’m afraid I have to disagree.

  • I’m of a different opinion, ...

  • I still have my doubts.

  • I can’t/ couldn’t go along with that.

  • I find that very difficult to accept.


Use some counter-argument phrases to emphasize your speech.

Specific example:

Social topic: In any case, women are better at these sorts of tasks than men.

  • No, I’m not sure about that because I know plenty of men who are just as good as women.

  • I’m afraid I have to disagree. In my opinion, men are just as good.

The above structures all mean disagreement or opposition to the given opinion. In addition, you also need to use them in combination with leading phrases to explain and present more reasonable opinions before the judges. These phrases are used in IELTS Speaking.

4. IELTS Speaking scoring phrases expressing neutral opinions

In some cases, you might be unsure about the issue and haven't made a decision to agree or disagree. At this point, you can choose to remain neutral and express your own opinion. Don't worry too much because the IELTS Speaking test assesses your speaking skills, not whether your opinion is right or wrong. Some structures to present both sides of the issue include:

  • There are two sides to the question: Với câu hỏi này, có hai vấn đề …

  • On the one hand …, on the other hand: Một mặt,... mặt khác …

  • An argument for/in favor of/against is: Một lập luận cho ủng hộ/ phản đối là …

  • While admitting that … one should not forget that: Trong khi thừa nhận … người ta không nên quên rằng …

  • Some people think that …, others say that: Một số người nghĩ rằng,... những người khác lại nói …


Analyzing viewpoints from multiple angles will help make the content of the test more complete

For example:

Internet topic: What do you think about: “Playing online games helps pupils to relax”

On the one hand, playing online games helps people relax and reduce stress after studying, but on the other hand, it is a waste of time.

With this topic, playing online games has both good and bad sides for students. Therefore, you can use neutral phrases to present both opinions.

5. Idioms

Idioms are scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking that you should use. Using Idioms while speaking is a highlight that makes your speech much more appreciated by the examiner..

  • At all cost

This phrase means to do something at all costs, regardless of risk, cost or difficulty.

Sports: High school teachers used to say that it wasn’t whether you won or lost but how you do in the competition. Today, many of them push their student to win at all costs.

  • Be out of your depth

This phrase is used in situations where you do not have enough knowledge or experience to deal with the topic or viewpoint being raised. In that case, you should state your opinion even though it may not be correct.

Academic topics or questions:

It’s out of my depth on that topic, but I’ll tell you about my opinion.

  • Put yourself in somebody’s shoes

The above structure has the same meaning as the structure “If I were you”, assuming to put yourself in the other person's situation to understand and feel that person's thoughts.

Friends topic: I put myself in Tom's shoes and realized that I would have made exactly the same choice.


“Recharge” familiar Idioms to score points with the judges

  • Sleep on it

This is one of the scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking that shows thinking carefully about a difficult, intractable problem. Therefore, instead of making a decision right away, we should postpone it until the next day.

Communication topics: Common experience suggests that when we are confronted with some knotty problem or emotional dilemma, it often helps if we sleep on it.

  • Drop someone a line

Chủ đề bạn bè: She usually drops me a few lines around the first of the year

  • Know something like the back of your hand

This is a phrase that means someone is very knowledgeable about a given subject, perhaps in a particular field.

Homeland topic: I know how to make my way around my city. I know it like the back of my hand, and it’s all home to me ’cause I’m from there.

6. Concluding phrases

For the structure of a speaking test, it always needs to have an introduction, body, and finally a conclusion. Knowing how to use the concluding phrases below will help your test be more coherent and polished.

  • To conclude, …

  • To summarise, …

  • The only possible solution/conclusion is …

  • Summing up, I’d like to say that …

  • In conclusion, we can say …


Using the scoring phrases in the above IELTS Speaking to conclude helps the test be complete

Specific example:

Education topic: Some people think that the education system should only focus on preparing students for employment, while others believe it has other important functions.

In conclusion/To summarise, I believe both the arguments have their merits. On balance, however, it seems that schools should provide young learners with other vital skills helping them develop more comprehensively.

Note on phrases used in IELTS Speaking

Besides understanding the meaning and usage of the above phrases, you also need to note a few things:

  • Use in the right context, right meaning: When you first start learning about new phrases, you should practice making sentences logically to know how to use them correctly. At the same time, do not try to cram phrases or idioms unnaturally. That will make your test lack coherence and not achieve high results.

  • Important to achieve high scores in IELTS, you need to have a good grammar foundation, correct pronunciation, and confidence. Therefore, practicing correct pronunciation, improving speaking skills to sound like a native speaker is essential.

  • Read the article “Top 9 effective ways to practice IELTS Speaking to achieve high scores” of ours to get more “tips”.

  • Practice daily, expand your vocabulary to make the test richer and more attractive. To improve all 4 IELTS skills, you need to persistently add vocabulary by IELTS topic every day and improve your level.

See more:

Use linking words to convey ideas better in the IELTS speaking test

Scoring structure in IELTS Speaking easily

The above article, IDP has summarized and introduced to you scoring phrases in IELTS Speaking. Hopefully, through the article, candidates will have useful information to prepare for the upcoming IELTS exam. If you have any questions related to the IELTS exam, you can contact us directly through the website: https://idp.com/vietnam/ to get more dedicated support from our staff.

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