During the IELTS exam preparation process, choosing a reputable set of review materials is always a top priority. As the unit that owns the IELTS exam, IDP owns a IELTS exam preparation materials (with answers) diverse, helping you practice and familiarize yourself with the question types as well as the structure of the IELTS exam. Hopefully, with the materials below, we will somewhat help you achieve better results in your IELTS exam.

IELTS includes 2 test formats: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. In which the IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking tests of both formats are similar, while IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing will have some differences.

Why should you refer to the IELTS exam preparation materials free of charge from IDP?

  • Familiarize yourself with the structure of the IELTS exam

  • The IELTS exam preparation materials sample from IDP is similar to the actual IELTS exam

  • Accurately assess your current ability to devise a reasonable exam preparation strategy

  • Easily compare and analyze errors in your work with the official answers

Below is the IELTS exam preparation materials free of charge from IDP:

IELTS Academic exam preparation materials:





IELTS General Training exam preparation materials:





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