Psychology, the study of human behaviour, impacts every environment in which humans live, work, cooperate and communicate. Whether it’s in the classroom or the courtroom, the family home or the extremes of Antarctica, in Tasmanian communities or international relations, psychology plays a role. If you want to develop knowledge and skills that will enrich your personal and professional life, or your goal is to become a research scientist, counsellor or registered psychologist, the Bachelor of Psychological Science provides the perfect foundation. When you study the science of psychology you will learn about the biological and psychological principles of human behaviour, and will develop the transferable skills of critical thinking, communication and problem solving that are vital everywhere people interact. These include: counselling, criminal justice, neuroscience, health services support e.g. drug and alcohol, cancer, disability, rehabilitation, aged, family and child services, probation and parole services, policy and planning, business, marketing, education, public affairs, human resources and numerous other areas.