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841 news and articles

Showing 649 -660 of 841 results
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United Kingdom

5 types of UK universities

Here are the 5 different types of universities in the UK before choosing the one you want to enroll in.

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    University of Melbourne

    Know more about University of Melbourne! It's Australia's second oldest University located in Victoria.

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      United Kingdom

      Managing your money in the UK

      The jump from living at home to learning how to pay your bills and apply for a bank account in a foreign country can be harsh.

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        Top 10 things to do during orientation week

        With the start of the new semester of the academic year in Australia, we'll read about the top and fun things to do during your orientation week.

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          10 High-Paying Jobs in Australia That Require A Master’s Degree

          If you are thinking of accelerating your career or switching to a new industry moving to Australia for further studies is an excellent way to get a fresh start.

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            What studying overseas does for your future

            Need convincing? You'll gain many advantages from an international qualification. Take a look.

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              Everything You Need to Know About Studying in British Columbia

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                Study accounting in Australia

                The accounting field is fast-paced and challenging a career that offers job security and ability to specialise. Find out about it's job growth, career options, salary expectations.

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                  United Kingdom

                  A student's guide to living in Edinburgh

                  Scotland is probably best known for being a land of men in skirts (kilts), questionable dishes made out of a sheep's stomach (haggis) and accents that can be pretty hard to work out.

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                    New Zealand

                    People and culture in New Zealand

                    You're moving to New Zealand. Here's what to expect.

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                      5 best tips for your IELTS Writing and Speaking tests

                      If you're preparing for the IELTS test and if it's your first time taking the test, we've prepared some tips to help you ace the speaking and writing tests.

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                        The minimum IELTS scores for Ireland universities

                        Find out what are the specific IELTS requirements needed to gain entry into Ireland universities.

                          One account for all your study abroad needs

                          Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.