Why study abroad?
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844 news and articles

Showing 661 -672 of 844 results
news 1


Overcoming the language barrier in Australia

Are you an international student and English isn't your native tongue? Find out ways to overcome the language barrier in Australia.

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    Should You Apply Early For University? Yes! Here’s Why To Do It!

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      United Kingdom

      UK University Application

      Find out what you can and cannot do when you apply to a University in the UK.

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        5 Effective Ways to Improve Brain Power for Students

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          United Kingdom

          Top 5 Historic and Beautiful Universities in the UK

          Fancy yourself living the dream of studying in a prestigious university that has a rich history and breathtaking architecture?

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            Common errors to avoid in IELTS letter writing

            If you are preparing for the IELTS General Training exam, you probably know that you will be given a short (150 word) letter writing assignment.

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              What a band 7 and above IELTS Writing test piece looks like

              While Band 7 or higher might seem like a tall order, it is crucial to helping you make that overall cut-off score of 7 that is required by a host of reputable universities.

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                Best 7 benefits of studying abroad

                Get to know the advantages of pursuing a course abroad in this article. Read more to find out!

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                  Important checklists before leaving for overseas studies in Australia

                  Take note on the list of things that you should be preparing and planning for before embarking for your overseas studies in Australia.

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                    IELTS Task 1 Letter Writing Advice for General Training

                    In this article, we will discuss some tips for organizing your ideas in IELTS letters.

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                      What is plagiarism?

                      Plargism is an act of dishonesty, it is practice of taking credit of someone's ideas.

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                        United Kingdom

                        Top reasons to study in the UK

                        United Kingdom is known for their universities, shorter study durations, job opportunities and many more! Explore the top reasons why you should study in the UK

                          One account for all your study abroad needs

                          Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.